Monday, June 4, 2007

Coordinate Meet-ups

Are you interested in getting together with others from your area or denomination at the conference? Do you want to share a meal with other Emerging Women or Emerging Theologians (not that they are mutually exclusive...)?

Post your meet-up ideas here and coordinate with other interested parties.


Unknown said...

Already in the works -

Emerging Women affinity lunch - Friday

Prebsymergent affinity lunch - Saturday

pick up some food or order a box lunch ahead of time (they sound really yummy) and hang out at the conference site

Mike Clawson said...

Also in the works: an Ooze meet-up with Spencer Burke sometime during the conference.

Feral Pastor said...

I'm eager to meet folks who are interested in house churches and the church planting/multiplication work being done by folks like Tony and Felicity Dale, Neil Cole, John White (DAWN), Wolfgang Simson and so on. Anyone want to meet-up for that?

Tim Thompson